1. Introduction


This website (hereinafter referred to as "Site") belongs to Med Yapım Televizyon ve Filmcilik A.Ş. (hereinafter referred to as "Med Production") By using this Site, accessing the Site and benefiting from the services offered on the Site, you are deemed to have accepted the following terms of use.

This agreement contains the Med Yapım Terms and Conditions of Use, Privacy and KVKK Policy, Cookie Policy and any additional agreements and terms as set out in the Integrity of Agreements clause ("Contracts") includes. If you would like to review the terms of the agreements, you can find the current and valid version on our website.

Med Yapım reserves the right to change these terms of use and all kinds of services, products, contracts and forms available on the Site at any time and to reorganize the site and to stop the publication. The relevant changes enter into force as of the date of publication on the Site.

By continuing to use the website, you will be deemed to reaffirm and declare that you accept the Terms of Use in effect as of the date of your use.

  1. General Provisions

Med Yapım continuously checks the accuracy and timeliness of the information available on the Site. However, despite the efforts made, the information on the Site may lag behind actual changes. The materials and information contained in the content of the Site are provided at the time they are provided to the Site, and there may be differences between the current status of the relevant service or information and its status on the Site. No express or implied warranties or guarantees are given or undertaken as to the timeliness, accuracy, terms, quality, performance, marketability, fitness for a particular purpose and the effect and completeness of the information contained on the Site on Med Yapım's other information, services or products available on the Site, including, but not limited to, related or independent of them.

Except for User Content, the intellectual property rights of all materials on the website belong to Med Yapım or Med Yapım has obtained a valid right of use from a third party to use these materials on the website. Med Yapım also owns all trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used on the website or has obtained a valid right to use them. Unless expressly stated otherwise, no part of this website may be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means.

You do not have the right to resell, process, share, distribute, display or allow anyone else to access or use Med Yapım's services, Med Yapım information and Med Yapım's copyrighted works. Persons who visit Med Yapım website with or without shopping ("User") or persons who approve the memberships offered by Med Yapım by filling out the application form on the website ("Member") acknowledges that the files, information and documents available for download and/or sharing on the Site may not be free from viruses, worms, trojan horses, dialer programs, spam, spyware or any other malicious and damaging codes or materials such as these and that the Site does not guarantee these matters. It is the sole responsibility of the User and the Member to meet all software and hardware needs, maintenance and updates required for the prevention of such malicious and damaging programs, codes or materials, the accuracy of data input - output or the recovery of any lost data. Med Yapım is not responsible for any damages that may be incurred by the User and Member or third parties due to data inaccuracies or losses that may be caused by such malicious programs, codes or materials. Med Yapım is not responsible for any damages that may be incurred by the User and Member or third parties due to such malicious programs, codes or materials, data inaccuracies or losses.

software or other digital content, including applications, that you download through this website ("Products") do not belong to you and that Med Yapım has not transferred the ownership of these Products to you. Med Yapım retains full ownership of the Products downloaded from the Website and all intellectual property rights related thereto. You are prohibited from redistributing, selling, decompiling, reverse engineering, translating from machine code to symbolic code or otherwise reducing the Products to a readable form.

Through the Site, links may be provided to other Internet Sites and/or other content owned and operated by other third parties that are not under Med Yapım's own control. Med Yapım is not responsible for the contents of these sites or other links they contain.

Med Yapım, the institutions it cooperates with, Med Yapım employees and managers, Med Yapım authorized dealers are not responsible for the services provided and content published by third parties within the Site. The commitment to the accuracy and legality of the information, content, visual and audio images provided and published by any third party is the sole responsibility of the third parties who perform these actions. Med Yapım does not undertake the security, accuracy and legality of the services and contents provided by third parties.

Users of the Site may only perform transactions on the Site for lawful and personal purposes. The legal and criminal responsibilities of the Users and Members in every transaction and action within the Site belong to them. Each User and each Member undertakes not to engage in any activity that may infringe the rights of Med Yapım and/or any other third party. Med Yapım shall have no direct and/or indirect liability for any damages incurred or to be incurred by third parties due to the activities of Users and Members on the Site.

Med Yapım may use the information transmitted to it by Users and Members through the Site in accordance with the provisions of the "Privacy and KVKK Policy", process this information in accordance with this Agreement and the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, classify and store it on a database. Your personal information will not be disclosed to real and legal third parties, except for the request of the authorities authorized by law and the cases listed in the Privacy and KVKK Policy. For detailed information, we kindly ask you to review the Privacy and KVKK Policy. 





  1. Notifications and Messages

With membership, you agree that we may send you notifications and messages through the Med Yapım website or through the communication channels (e-mail, mobile phone, address, etc.) you have notified us. For this reason, you must keep your contact information up to date. Med Yapım may also use the identity, address, e-mail address, telephone number, IP address, which parts of the Site the User and Member visit, domain type, browser type, date and time of visit, etc. information for statistical evaluation, announcing campaigns and providing personalized services.

  1. Limitation of Liability

4.1. No Guarantee

This section contains disclaimers of legal liability for the quality, safety or reliability of our Services.

Med Yapım and its affiliated companies do not provide any commitment and warranty regarding these services, including the commitment that the services will be uninterrupted and error-free, and provide the services (together with the content and information) "as is" and "as long as it is available". To the extent permitted by applicable law, Med Yapım and its affiliates disclaim all warranties, implied or statutory, including implied warranties of title, accuracy of data, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

4.2. Lack of Responsibility

There are limits to the legal obligation we have to you.

To the extent permitted by law (and unless Med Yapım has entered into a different written agreement that overrides this agreement), Med Yapım and its affiliates (and those Med Yapım engages to provide the services) will not be liable to you or others for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages or for any data, opportunities, reputation, profits or revenues (e.g., offensive or disparaging statements, downtime or loss, use of or changes to your personal information or content) in connection with the services.

  1. Transfer of Contract

    Med Yapım may transfer this contract in whole or in part at any time without notice. However, the USER and MEMBER cannot transfer this contract or any part of it to another party. Any such transfer attempt is invalid.

    6. Force Majeure

    In all cases deemed to be legally force majeure, Med Yapım is not liable for late performance or non-performance of these "Terms of Use". Such circumstances shall not be deemed delay or non-performance or default on the part of Med Yapım, nor shall Med Yapım be liable for any compensation for such circumstances.


  1. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

    All disputes arising out of or related to these "Terms of Use" [contractually, as a result of tort (including negligence), according to law or for other reasons] are subject to Turkish Law and Istanbul (Central) Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized. Med Yapım reserves the right to file a lawsuit in the country where the User and Member are located.

    8. Effectiveness and Acceptance

    These "Terms of Use" shall become effective on the date of its announcement by Med Yapım on the Site content. Users and Members accept the provisions of this agreement by using the Site. Med Yapım may change the provisions of this agreement at any time. Changes are published on the Site by specifying the version number and the date of change and enter into force on the same date.


Thank you for reading our terms and conditions.